- The BBBE list:
- Bombshell 2 Boardroom by JT Schultz
- Dark Lover by JR Ward
- Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon
- Griffin's Daughter by Leslie Ann Moore (autographed copy)
- Night Beauty by TJ Killian
- Penelope & Prince Charming by Jennifer Ashley (autographed copy)
- Slave To Sensation by Nalini Singh
- Storm Front by Jim Butcher
- The Bravo Bachelor by Christine Rimmer
- The Pleasure Trip by Joanne Rock
- Weremones by Buffi BeCraft-Woodall
The Bestest Best Books Ever! (BBBE) List are books nominated by readers to have garnered the honor of being named as one of the Bestest Best Books they have ever read and which made the reader happy. This honor is vested upon the above list of books/authors by your readers. Not by some fancy big corporate name, but by your readers.
Congratulations! to the authors for garnering the honor of being named the Bestest Best Book Ever! and thank you! for sharing with us, readers, your work and made this world a happier place!
Thank you all for your support of the first ever contest hosted by CherryD, the Bestest Best Books Ever! (BBBE) contest. And I would like to thank the authors and publishers for their generosity in donating prizes to our prize pot. We had a pretty good response to our prize solicitation letters that we now have quite a loot! But most of all, I would like to thank those with kind hearts who wanted to spread happiness instead of bitterness and sadness to people around them!
And our prize consist of:
- The BBBE List above
- Cymru mug
- cherrydecena T-shirt
- free postcards
- free pen(s)
- free bookmark(s)
- a box of chocolates!!!!
We have now come to the end of the contest and we have a winner! *drum roll here*
- Ebooks in the prize
- Delayed items in the prize
- Prize items to be sent directly from source
- Questions? Clarifications:
Thank you so much, Cherry. I'd love to read Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon.